20 Online Learning Platforms That Offer Free Courses in Computer Science and Programming Languages

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Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

In the modern era of technology, computer programming has become one of the most crucial skills. Whether you want to build your career as a software developer or enhance your technical skills, learning to code has become essential and can potentially be a high-income career choice.

Computer programming is a lucrative field, with many high-paying jobs available for skilled programmers. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for computer and information technology occupations was $91,430 as of May 2021. 

The highest-paying computer programming jobs include software architects, who earn a median annual salary of $120,520, followed by data scientists who earn a median annual salary of $100,910. 

Web developers, software developers, and computer network architects also earn high salaries, with median annual wages ranging from $77,200 to $107,510. In addition to competitive salaries, many computer programming jobs offer benefits such as flexible work schedules, remote work options, and opportunities for career growth and advancement. 

With the increasing demand for skilled programmers in various industries, the prospects for a successful and rewarding career in computer programming continue to be bright.

Fortunately, many online learning platforms offer free computer programming courses that help you acquire these new computer programming skills or sharpen your existing ones. 

We’ll explore 20 online learning platforms that offer free computer programming courses that can potentially set you on your dream career path.

Computer Science and Programming – Full Course (Youtube)

1. Codecademy

Codecademy is a popular online learning platform that offers free computer programming courses. The platform provides interactive coding lessons on various programming languages like Python, JavaScript, and HTML/CSS. 

Codecademy is an excellent option for aspiring programmers.

Some of the online courses offered by Codecademy are:

2. edX

EdX is a non-profit online learning platform that offers a wide range of free computer programming courses. These courses are designed by top universities and institutions from around-the-world and cover various programming topics, including Blockchain and C++.

Learners can access high-quality course materials, complete interactive coding exercises, and earn certificates of completion.

Some of the online courses offered by edX are:

3. Udacity

Udacity is an online learning platform that offers free computer programming courses. These courses cover a range of programming languages, including Swift, Kotlin, and HTML/CSS, and are designed to teach beginners and advanced programmers alike.

With Udacity’s free computer programming courses, anyone can acquire new programming skills and enhance existing ones without paying a single penny.

Some of the online courses offered by Udacity are:

4. Coursera

Coursera is a popular online learning platform that offers free courses from top universities and institutions worldwide. It provides a wide range of programming courses, including courses on Python, Java, and C++. 

Learners can access the course materials and lectures for free, and some courses also offer certificates for a fee.

Notable online courses offered by Coursera are:

5. MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT OpenCourseWare offers a range of free computer programming courses for learners interested in expanding their skills in programming. These courses include introductory and advanced-level programming languages, including Python, C, C++, and more. 

Learners have free access to lectures, notes, assignments, and other resources created by MIT faculty, making it an excellent platform for those looking to develop a solid foundation in computer programming.

A few of the online courses offered by MIT OpenCourseWare are:

6. Harvard University

Harvard University offers a range of free online computer programming courses through its Extension School. These courses cover various topics, including game development, computer science, and programming in Scratch.

The courses are designed for learners of all levels and offer the opportunity to acquire new skills and enhance existing ones.

Notable online courses offered by Harvard University are:

7. Free Code Camp

Free Code Camp is a non-profit organization that provides free coding courses and projects to learners worldwide. The platform offers a comprehensive curriculum covering various programming languages, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python.

Learners can gain hands-on experience through coding projects and earn certifications upon program completion at no charge.

A few of the online courses offered by Free Code Camp are:

8. Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a non-profit online learning platform offering free coding courses for learners of all ages. It has a range of computer programming courses designed to teach learners how to code using JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and SQL. 

These courses include interactive exercises, video tutorials, and projects that help learners apply what they have learned.

Some of the online courses offered by Khan Academy are:

9. W3Schools

W3Schools is an online learning platform that offers free tutorials on web development. Among its free resources are various programming courses, including Kotlin and Django. 

W3Schools courses are interactive and hands-on, allowing students to practice their coding skills as they learn.

Notable online courses offered by W3Schools are:

10. The Odin Project

The Odin Project is a free online learning platform that offers a comprehensive curriculum for web developers. A range of computer programming courses, including courses on JavaScript and Ruby on Rails, are offered. 

The courses are self-paced and designed to help students acquire the skills needed to build full-stack web applications.

A few of the online courses offered by The Odin Project are:

11. GitHub

GitHub, an online platform for software developers, offers links to free courses on various programming languages such as Angular, React, and PHP. These courses cover topics ranging from basic programming concepts to advanced topics like machine learning and data analysis. 

The courses are designed to provide learners with practical knowledge and hands-on experience, making it an excellent platform for those seeking to improve their programming skills and also looking to be a part of a computer science community.

Some of the online courses offered by GitHub are:

12. Google Code University

Google Code University is an online learning platform that offers free courses on various programming topics, including Scratch and Machine Learning. It provides an extensive range of resources for beginners and experienced programmers, with online courses that cover everything from basic coding concepts to advanced programming topics.

By enrolling in these free courses, learners can gain valuable programming skills and knowledge that can help them build their careers in the tech industry.

Notable online courses offered by Google Code University are:

13. Udemy

Udemy is an online learning platform that offers paid and free computer programming courses. The platform has a wide range of programming courses, including courses on Python, Java, and C++. 

Learners can access these courses for free and learn at their own pace with lifetime access to the course materials.

A few of the online courses offered by Udemy are:

14. Alison

Alison is an online learning platform that offers free courses on various programming languages. The platform provides courses on programming languages such as Perl, Angular, and HTML/CSS, suitable for beginners and those looking to polish their skills.

Alison’s free computer programming courses are self-paced and learners earn a free CPD-accredited Alison Diploma/Certificate upon completion.

Some of the online courses offered by Alison are:

15. FutureLearn

FutureLearn is an online learning platform that offers free courses on various programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, and HTML/CSS. Their courses cater to learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced programmers. 

With FutureLearn’s interactive learning approach and expert instructors, learners can acquire new skills and update their existing ones in a flexible and engaging environment.

A few notable online courses offered by FutureLearn  are:

16. Learn Python

Learn Python is an online learning platform that offers free courses focused solely on Python programming but also has other websites that cater to other computer programming languages. 

Their courses are designed for beginners and cover the fundamentals of Python programming, including data structures, control structures, functions, and modules. 

Additionally, they provide interactive coding exercises and quizzes to help learners solidify their understanding of the programming languages.

Some of the online tutorials offered by Learn Python are:

17. SoloLearn

SoloLearn is an online learning platform that offers free computer programming courses on various languages, including Swift, C++, and JavaScript. 

The platform offers bite-sized lessons with quizzes, practice exercises, and interactive coding challenges to help learners master programming concepts. 

SoloLearn also offers a community forum where learners can interact with other users and get support from experienced programmers.

Learners can also earn certifications upon completion of the program at no charge.

Notable online courses offered by SoloLearn are:

18. Microsoft Learn

Microsoft Learn is an online learning platform that offers free skill-building courses for Microsoft products.

Some of the online courses offered by Microsoft Learn are:

19. Pluralsight

Pluralsight is an online learning platform that offers paid and free courses on various programming languages, including Python, Java, and C++. 

The free courses on Pluralsight are designed to provide beginners with a solid foundation in coding and programming. 

These courses cover topics such as web development, data science, and software engineering, among others, making it an ideal platform for aspiring programmers to start their coding journey.

Notable online courses offered by Pluralsight are:

20. Linkin Learning

LinkedIn Learning, formerly Lynda.com, is an online learning platform that offers free computer programming courses. The platform offers a range of courses on programming languages, including Python, Spring, and Laravel. These courses are designed to help individuals acquire new skills and advance their careers in the tech industry.

With high-quality courses taught by industry experts, LinkedIn Learning is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their programming skills.

Some of the LinkedIn Learning online courses offered are:

Free Computer Programming Courses – Conclusion

Learning to code is an essential skill in today’s tech-driven world. The good news is that many online learning platforms offer free computer programming courses. From Codecademy to edX, Udacity, and beyond, there are plenty of learning platform options for aspiring programmers.

Whether you want to learn Python, Java, C++, or any other programming language, these platforms offer a variety of courses that can help you acquire new skills and amplify your existing ones. 

With free access to high-quality programming courses, there has never been a better time to start learning to code.

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